Ashley Turner

Elevating personal growth as a lifestyle, Ashley Turner, MA, MFTI is considered an innovator on the leading edge of the yoga industry – combining yoga, modern psychology and kick-ass spirituality.

A yoga instructor, mind-body psychotherapist, author and Ordained Priestess, her best-selling DVD’s include: Power Yoga, Yoga for Weightloss, Yoga Bootcamp and Yoga for Stress Relief + Flexibility. She recently released her first book, Aroma Yoga and is the director of Montage Laguna’s mind-body-yoga program where she leads monthly workshops.

Known for her charisma, candor, and accessibility, Ashley elegantly weaves profound yoga philosophy and practical life-changing tips into a vigorous vinyasa flow. She writes weekly for Positively Positive and The Daily Love and creates a weekly training program on AshleyTV. She’s been featured on Martha Stewart Radio, Shape, Prevention, Self, Natural Health, Yoga Journal, Fitness and Origin Magazine.
She leads transformative events worldwide and works with clients weekly via SKYPE.